Fare Divide CIC Community Fridge Network

Fare Divide Community Interest Company inspires healthier and happier communities by saving perishable foods from waste with our Community Fridge Network. We are proud to be part of the Community Fridge Network, and we aim to:

SHARE nourishing food in the community
RESPECT humans and their societies
INTEGRITY be honest, open, and fair to all
PASSION save food from landfill

How does a Community Fridge differ from a food bank?

People usually refer to food banks as an emergency stop gap solution, and are vital for an increasing number of people. Generally non-perishable food items are given out, and food bank users are not always at liberty to choose what they eat, although each food parcel is tailored to each household’s needs.

Community Fridges exist to reduce food waste and foster a spirit of sharing and mutual support within a community. They are often open more regularly and offer a source of fresh good quality food surplus for everyone. In many cases the most frequent items moving through the fridge are fruit and veg. They operate on a trust basis and are not means tested.


Total Food saved (tonnes to January 2025)


Tonnes Carbon dioxide not released into the atmosphere


Meals saved so far!

Not sure what to expect when you come to the Community Fridge? Watch our walk-through video:

co-op and fare divide logo

Shop at Co-op? Please consider choosing us as your Local Community Cause! It is so easy to do, and will help us raise funds for the Horsham Community Fridge. Every time you shop at Co-op, they will donate to the Horsham Community Fridge. Find out more and choose us as your cause here.

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13 thoughts on “Fare Divide CIC Community Fridge Network”

    1. Hi Gillian! To access the fridge all you need to do is turn up at the right time and location – the fridge is for anyone and everyone! We have locations at Littlehampton, Horsham, and also our ‘Fridge On Tour’ in Angmering, Rustington and East Preston. The specific times and locations can be found on the corresponding pages on the website. Hope this helps!

  1. Hallo, I live in Horsham and I have several assorted cans of food that are now past their “best before date”. Would they be of any use to your Horsham Community Fridge?


    1. Hi Stephen, thanks for your offer – we should certainly be able to use them (as long as they’re not too far past their best before dates!). If you could either send us a message on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/horshamcommunityfridge or email us on info@faredivide.org.uk then we will be able to help arrange your donation! If you could include what types of food you have, how far past their best before they are, and where you’d like to donate to (Horsham) that will help us respond as quickly as possible.

  2. My Father has just passed away and we have a number of froze ready meals we would like to give to a good home. Located in Roffey

    1. Hi Peter, so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately we cannot accept frozen food from individuals, but thank you very much for your offer.

  3. Michelle Petrucci


    I work in a women’s refuge in Chichester, and the ladies do not seem to have access to any of the resources available.
    Is there anything for the women to be able to access over this way as they are obviously on a low income?

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Michelle, unfortunately we don’t have a fridge in the Chichester area at the moment. However, there is a food bank at 21 Orchard Street in Chichester if that is of help?

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