Ways of working

Our ways of working help ensure we all:

  • maintain a good working relationship with our ‘landlords’ and other partners
  • comply with food hygiene requirements
  • uphold our reputation by being professional in our approach 
  • uphold our values

General rules for all volunteers:

  • Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions whilst volunteering.
  • Co-operate with the Lead Monitors and Volunteer Co-ordinator to make the workspace safe and report any incidents.
  • Take care when lifting and carrying.
  • Not to volunteer whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Work within our policies and procedures.
  • Do what is reasonably requested of them, to the best of their ability.
  • We sometimes become aware of information which must be kept confidential. This might include information about customers, about other volunteers, about our relationship with the shops or, partners, or about the way we run as a Community Fridge. It is important to maintain our reputation for being discreet and confidential with all this information.
  • Recognise that they always represent the organisation and therefore need to act in an appropriate manner.
  • Honour any commitment made, to the best of their abilities, notifying the organisation in good time should they be unable to keep that commitment e.g., for holidays.
  • Be willing to undertake appropriate training as necessary for the voluntary work undertaken.
  • Recognise the right of the organisation to expect quality of service from its volunteers.

Please do share suggestions for changes in working practices with the Fridge Co-ordinator. We are always open to new ideas and ways to do things more efficiently!

Food distribution sessions

  • On arrival: Monitors, please sign in, and out when you leave. It is important to sign in as this ensures we comply with Health and Safety


  • No food is to be taken for animal waste by volunteers.
  • There are to be no requests for items to be put by unless you are a monitor for that session
  • No eating or drinking whilst at a session.
  • Hands to be washed in the w.c. and the air dryer to be used to dry hands.
  • Volunteers, when on duty, may also be customers and take up to 5 items (+ bread). Monitors take their items when everything is set up and “leads” have given the “team talk”. They may take additional items at the end of a session if there is any left over. 
  • Hygiene rules and regulations to be followed when handling food items – especially bread / cakes (gloves to be worn)
  • Communication between church and community fridge is to be via the leads to the coordinators to ensure accuracy and to avoid misunderstandings
  • Identity badges/lanyards to only be worn when on duty as a monitor on weekday sessions when on rota on behalf of the Community Fridge

Room to be left clean and tidy after each session – use cleaning equipment supplied. Everyone who is on that session is responsible to help with this.

Treat all customers, staff, and fellow volunteers with dignity and respect.


  • Identity badges/lanyards to only be worn when on duty as a monitor on weekday sessions when on rota on behalf of the Community Fridge.
  • Treat all customers, shop staff, and fellow volunteers with dignity and respect.

As a volunteer you are responsible for the following:

  • Professionalism: Please address fridge users and volunteers in a polite and friendly manor. Please treat all who visit the Community Fridge as equals, regardless if they are regular visitors, friends, neighbours or strangers. Please arrive on time and keep to your agreed hours of volunteering. Please remember that we also represent the organisation of the food we hand out.
  • Personal Appearance and hygiene: Please wear clean and appropriate clothing for your role. This includes washing hands frequently, tying back hair and removing loose jewellery when handling food.
  • Benefits: We are operating on a 5 items per adult per day from the fridge (fruit & vegetables are reasonable portions depending on family size) plus unlimited bread, and unlimited items that need to be taken on that day (use by items). Please be consistent with all fridge users and be mindful of this when you take items for yourself. Resale of gifted items is not permitted.

End of volunteer placement

Should you decide to stop volunteering please let the Volunteer Co-ordinator know.

We value your time and hope you had a great experience volunteering for us. We welcome all feedback so that we can keep making improvements.

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